As we discussed this afternoon, Mrs. Sian has very kindly agreed that the Quad Garden be 'adopted' by the Trillions. The first tasks are to clear out plants and debris that we do not need before deciding how we will improve the space.
Your homework task this week is to research (including checking the meanings of some of the words and technical terms) appropriate plants for the garden. You will need to consider...
1) Is the plant annual or perennial?
2) What colours and shapes are the flowers and foliage?
3) How much space does it need?
4) How tall will it grow?
5) What kind of climate does it like?
6) What ground conditions does it prefer?
7) Will it need to be supported?
8) Is it safe (to people and to animals)?
9) Will it be attractive to beneficial insects?
10) Does it need any special care?
11) How do we propagate it?
12) Is it likely to grow out of control?
13) How much do the seeds/seedlings/bulbs/cuttings cost?
14) How easy are they to get hold of?
To inspire you, here are some pictures of the garden as it is...
It can only get better!
What other things could we include to make the garden a more pleasant place to be? Could we include artwork or sculptures? Murals? Different surface colours and textures? How could we attract wildlife such as birds and insects?
I am looking forward to seeing your ideas on Friday! How you present your work is up to you - it could be a poster, collage, word-processed document, or whatever you want.
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