Friday 2 November 2012

Bonfire lunch

Good morning everyone! I hope you have had a restful half term break and are ready to get going again on Monday.

Have you remembered that there is a special 'Bonfire Lunch' at school on Monday to celebrate Bonfire Night? There will be sausages, wedges and beans, followed by Sticky Toffee Pudding...So leave the sarnies at home and enjoy some proper cold weather food!

I am looking forward to seeing you all again on Monday and to another half term of learning together.

If you are celebrating with fireworks this weekend, please stay safe...


  1. I love Guy Fawkes Night! I am going to my local park to see a huge bonfire!

    P.S Mr Gamage, you have so many flags on your flag counter. Your class only need 1 more to get a prize from me!

  2. "Thank-you for reminding me about the Bonfire lunch, it was very tasty!" says EH from Seashells

  3. "Thank-you for reminding me about Bonfire lunch, it was very tasty!" Says EH from Seashells



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