Thursday 25 October 2012

Beowulf comes to life!

Well done to AQ, LT, CW and IA, who brought the characters of Beowulf (the hero of the story), Hrothgar (the King of the Danes), Grendel (the terrorising monster of the night) and Grendel's mother (the hideous sea-hag) to life with such enthusiasm and commitment - very impressive!

Well done also to the remainder of the class who interviewed the characters, asking meaningful and insightful questions.

I am very proud of you all!


Grendel's Mum

King Hrothgar


Monday 22 October 2012

Silver Sword update...

In this afternoon's instalment, we witnessed Jan's first meeting with Ruth and Bronia and their discovery of the Silver Sword in Jan's box.

We also found out from the Russian soldier that Edek has been taken to a transit camp in Posen.

How long before the girls begin their journey to find Edek and meet their parents in Switzerland? 

Friday 19 October 2012

Maths Champs

Check out this brilliant website that will help you to remember your maths facts by playing games like Bop a Bot or Brick Blaster!

Find a level that suits you - try Age 7-9 and Age 9-11. Can you get on to the Leader Board?


Good afternoon!

In literacy this week we have begun to read together the epic tale of Beowulf (in modern English prose, rather than the original ancient English poem!)

We will be using the Michael Morpurgo retelling as the basis for our work which will include some drama and freeze-frame techniques.

Beowulf is a brave warrior prince who travels across the sea to Denmark to rid the kingdom of the terrible monster, Grendel, who has terrorised their nights for 12 years.

It is a powerful story of good and evil, retold in an action-packed, exciting way.

Parents evenings

Good afternoon,

I am very much looking forward to meeting parents on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings next week to discuss your child's experiences at school.

If Tuesday or Wednesday are not convenient for you, then please get in touch and we can arrange a more convenient time to meet.

Have a great weekend,

Mr. Gamage.

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Books by Colin Thompson

In Literacy we have been exploring books by Colin Thompson, comparing two of his distinct ways of story telling - traditional short stories and richly illustrated picture books. Here are two of them...can you remember which is which?

For more information about Colin Thompson and his writing and illustrating go to

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Exploring NASA

As part of our Science work on Earth, Sun and Moon we spent some time this afternoon exploring the NASA website. We looked at pictures of the planets in our solar system and watched a video about the robot on Mars.

Here's the link to the site - explore it some more yourself!

What can you find out about the International Space Station? 

Silver Sword latest!

We last heard of Joseph chasing after a train in the dark, wet, Warsaw railway yard - did he get aboard safely?

The story then flashed back to the night Joseph's wife was taken by the Nazis.  Edek, Joseph's son shot a German soldier in the arm and damaged the truck they were travelling in. In response, the soldiers returned and blew up the house. Ruth, Edek and Bronia escaped across the snow covered rooftops and are now sheltering in the cellar of a bombed building.

What do you think will happen next?

Sunday 7 October 2012

Harvest collection

Good evening everyone! Hope you've had a brilliant weekend and enjoyed the sunshine.

We are entering the season of Harvest and I hope you remember the assembly we had last week with Kinder when he told us all about the kind of things that we can collect to give away to people who are really in need in our community.

If you can, please bring in to class tinned foods, jars of sauce, unopened bags of rice and dried pasta, tooth brushes and tooth paste, etc. (more details in the leaflet) so that we can bless people who are in need.

And here's a challenge to everyone in Trillion - whatever you bring, I will match, so that we can really make a difference!

Friday 5 October 2012

The Silver Sword

Joseph has met a young lad living in the ruins of Warsaw, who has a cat and a wooden box, but, as yet, no name...

He tells the boy of his children and wife and his plan to travel to Switzerland where they had agreed to meet. Joseph gives the boy the Silver Sword on the understanding that if he should meet Joseph's children he will tell them to also make their way to Switzerland.

We left Joseph and the boy dodging the Nazi patrols on a dark, wet, night in a Warsaw railway yard, trying to find a train that he can jump on to to begin his journey west.

Will there be one? Will Joseph manage to jump aboard safely? Will the boy find Joseph's children?



We would love to include photographs on our blog of the children in Class Trillion. In order to do this we need to have consent. Many children have already returned their green consent forms, but some haven't, which means that there are lots of lovely photographs that we cannot share at the moment.

Sooo, please take time to dig to the bottom of your book bag and look for any forms or letters which might be mixed up with your homework or buried under your reading book and that should have been given to parents or carers. If you cannot find the consent form, don't worry - you can get a new one from school.

Remember, our blog is a great way of sharing your school life with family and friends across the world and photographs help to tell your story!

Mr. Gamage.

A message from the children of Class Trillion

Good afternoon!

This is a special day - some of the Trillion children are writing this blog...

This morning we enjoyed a Philosophy for Children session where we decided that STEALING IS NOT GOOD. But, we thought hard about what we would do if we were hungry and had no money...

We have painted some fantastic pictures of our Solar System. Here are some!

Please tell us what you think!

Thanks for looking. 

Thursday 4 October 2012

Lunchtime languages - Walkley Culture Week

This lunchtime we were privileged to have Emma, a former PGCE student, and two of her colleagues with us to explore activities based on languages and cultures from around the world.

Children from both Trillion and Kensuke wrote using Russian and Japanese scripts, used chopsticks to pick up Maltesers, dressed in Japanese clothing, painted masks and played musical instruments!

From what I saw, everyone who attended had a lot of fun.

Photos to follow...

And here they are!

Important Blog Information

Dear Children, Parents and Carers,

Thank you for all of your lovely comments on our blogs.

If you wish to comment on our blogs please can use initials only for your login, or use an unidentifiable name.

Google might automatically try to post your full name on the blogs and we are sorry but it is our policy not to publish these comments.

To change that please go here or and change your display name to something unidentifiable.  (So Mr Murphy becomes MM or Liverpoolteacher)

Sorry for asking you to do this, but it is very important to the security of our blogs.
Thankyou for your help, and please, keep commenting!


Monday 1 October 2012

Olympic Gymnastics - a visit from Harry Owen

On Tuesday 25th September we were very excited to host a visit to the school by a Team GB gymnast - Harry Owen. All the children in the school,took part in a sponsored event in the hall - here is a photograph...

Flying kites!

Last Friday morning we flew the kites that we had made as part of our Instructions work in our Literacy lessons. The sun shone and there was just enough wind to get them airborne (with a little running around to help them on their way!) The kites were simple to make, needing only thin card, an art straw, masking tape, ribbon and string.