Wednesday 26 September 2012

In the first two installments of our class story book The Silver Sword by Ian Serraillier, Jospeh has escaped from the Nazi prison camp disguised as a prison guard and has sneaked across the valley hidden in a cable car. 

What's waiting for him on the other side? Will he be discovered?

Look out for further updates!

The Trillion's first Class Assembly

This morning the stars of Trillion's presented a fantastic Class Assembly to Key stage 2 and parents. They told about what they have learned this year so far about REDUCING, REUSING and RECYCLING our waste.

The contrast between what happens here in Sheffield and in some developing countries was highlighted and proved very thought provoking.

The class will continue to learn about reducing, reusing and recycling throughout the term, with me and with Mr. Bowmer.

This is our first blog post - more will be added regularly, and we are really keen to hear your comments and thoughts, so please comment!

Mr. Gamage.

Wednesday 12 September 2012

This will be the blog for Walkley's Year 5 Class.

They are the Trillions!