Monday 29 April 2013


Here is a picture of a daffodil flower that we dissected this afternoon - how many parts can you name?

Thursday 25 April 2013

Quad Garden assembly PowerPoint presentation

Follow this link to view our presentation from yesterday's assembly.

Trillions Quad Garden assembly PowerPoint

Here be dragons!

This afternoon the Trillions made dragon heads out of Plasticine...Saint George would have had a tough job with this lot!

Friday 19 April 2013

Trillions class assembly

Good evening, everyone!

Here is a reminder about the forthcoming Year 5 / Trillions class assembly which will take place at 09:15 on Wednesday 24th April 2013 in the Tennyson Building hall.

Parents and carers of all Year 5 pupils are welcome to attend to hear about the things that the class are currently up to, and to stay around afterwards for a drink and a biscuit.

We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible here next week.

Have a great weekend and enjoy the sunshine!

Thursday 18 April 2013

The Quad Garden

Good afternoon all,
We have now planted some poppy, Sweet William and sunflower seeds in the classroom, which will hopefully germinate in the next few days. We have also been donated 80 bulbs of various varieties which we can plant directly into the garden.

The Trillions have put together some imaginative designs for the large raised bed...
...and have begun writing letters to persuade people to donate seeds, seedlings and plants to help.

Some Trillions volunteers made some degradable pots at lunchtime that we can use to plant out seedlings...

The work that the Trillions have started will make a huge difference to this valuable shared space in the school - well done!

Monday 15 April 2013

The Quad Garden...

This afternoon we managed to clear the Quad Garden of weeds and unwanted plants - what a difference you made!

Now start thinking about how your 'persuasive' writing could help to populate the garden. It'll look bleak for a few weeks whilst we grow seedlings and source mature plants and cuttings. We will need to make sure that we keep on top of any weeds that grow back.

It's going to be great!

Here are some photographs of the garden after we'd finished...